4th of July Recipe Round-up
It is a holiday week in both our home countries (Canada and the US), and we are celebrating with a long weekend with family and food. We've put together a collection of some great recipes to inspire your summer cooking. We hope you have a chance to share food with the people you love this weekend! Click directly on the photos above to go to the recipes.
Summer always finds us in a cooking frenzy and with gorgeous produce coming in from local farms, we have a list of recipes a mile long we're eager to try. Here is a sneak peak of some recipes we're excited to share:
- Paul 's Homemade Black Raspberry Candies
- Homemade Pickles (Quick and Old School Fermented)
- Sonoran Beef Navajo Fry Bread Tacos
- Watermelon Chiffon Pie
- Smoked Peach-Bourbon Wings
We'd love to hear from you: What is your favorite summer recipe?