Lemon & Parmesan Scrambled Eggs

Despite living in the city, our small courtyard here is full of life. We have mango, coconut, key lime, sour orange, moringa, and papaya trees, a small herb garden with lemon grass, chives, and basil, and maybe, most importantly, two chickens. For me, having a daily source of beautiful backyard eggs is hard to beat. Since Madeline is an early riser, she and I often go out just as the dawn is breaking and collect fresh eggs for breakfast. Madeline knows what comes next and will crawl excitedly across the kitchen floor to her high-chair and stand babbling waiting for her breakfast to be ready (often two scrambled eggs and fresh fruit). These Lemon and Parmesan Scrambled eggs are quick and easy to make and packed with flavor. The generous parmesan adds richness and umami, while the lemon brightens up the dish and gives it a light tropical spin.

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Yield: serves 1-2


  • 3 medium eggs
  • 1/4 cup finely shredded parmesan cheese
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon butter


  1. Whisk together eggs, parmesan, lemon juice, and pepper until well mixed.
  2.  Heat a small non-stick skillet over medium heat, and add the butter.
  3. When the butter has fully melted, dump in the egg mixture. Cook over medium heat, stirring only occasionally with a silicone spatula. When you stir, use the spatula to scrape the cooked eggs off the bottom and flip them in large chunks to the top. The more gently you stir, the larger the curds of your scrambled eggs will be.
  4. Cook for 3-5 minutes, just until the eggs have fully firmed up. You are trying to make sure the eggs are just barely cooked through. This will ensure a tender egg. If you overcook the eggs, the protein structure will continue to tighten, squeezing out the water and leading to mushy or watery eggs. 
  5. Remove from heat, garnish with herbs if desired, and serve.