Cooking lessons in Kristan
Cooking lessons from our host mother, Mildren
We are back in the capital, Port-au-Prince. We recently returned from a homestay with a family in the small farming community of Kristan, a 45 minute hike into the mountains from the town of Desarmes where MCC (the organization we are working with) has long-standing agroforestry projects. After busy days filled with Creole lessons and project visits, our host family would indulge our curiosity with many patient explanations, hikes to garden plots, and hands-on cooking lessons. There are some things you can learn by reading, but for others, there is no substitute for the sensory experience: crouching in cramped charcoal-smoke-filled kitchens; hearing the sound of a hoe's blade spark against rocks filling the small garden plots on which many subsist; feeling the welcome rush of a cold bucket bath after a hot walk up steep mountain paths; coming to terms with the humbling reality of clumsy tongues forming words in a new language. Below are a few pictures from our time to share the flavor of the place. We will be thinking of our family and friends far away this Christmas as we celebrate here in Haiti, Merry Christmas!
Our host brother, who went by 'Medg', getting ready for church on Sunday
Cleaning black beans harvested from the family's garden
Desarmes' twice-weekly market coming to life in the early morning
Water cascading down from Saut-d'Eau falls, a famous pilgrimage site in central Haiti
Roasting coffee, the first step in making traditional Haitian coffee...more to come on this in a later post